Sexual Liberation Screensaver
Easy Afterlife Inc.
- This screensaver was charged with the Energy of Sexual Liberation
- Symbolically, we've incorporated the the Star of Ishtar, the Shatkona & the Double Helix
- Ishtar is the predecessor to the Goddess Aphrodite. She is also known by the names Inanna and Astarte. She is the goddess of Love, Fertility, Beauty as well as War & Wisdom. Essentially, she is the ancient Mesopotamian Mother Goddess. Her energy is one of Radiance, Unconditional Love and Majesty.
- The Shatkona or six pointed star in Hinduism is traditionally used in yantras to indicate the divine union of Shiva & Shakti. The downward facing triangle represents Shakti, the feminine principle, and the downward facing triangle represents Shiva, the masculine principle.
- The pink Double Helix represents the feminine life giving principle of Kundalini which is coiled at the bottom of the spine. We've depicted it in pink to represent the soft pink energy emanated from the heart chakra.
- With this screensaver your subconscious will constantly be bathed in the fiercely liberating and unconditionally loving energy of Sexual Liberation as it effortlessly integrates energy into your field.
Sexual Liberation
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